Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Moving Day(s)

4:37 pm
Disgusted with life right now. Surrounded by piles of things to throw out. That's all I see when I look at my belongings now--why isn't this in a black garbage bag yet. Nothing that I will have to carry out of here has any intrinsic worth except for books and a few pieces of furniture. EVERYTHING ELSE MUST GO.

12:20 am
The van is full. My apartment is still full. I hate all physical possessions. I want to live like a Spartan. Do Spartans drink wine? That's what I am doing. Going to sleep for a few hours then try to beat the garbage truck at 5 with a few more loads. GOD BLESS THE NYC SANITATION DEPARTMENT, YOU ALL ARE MIRACLE WORKERS, AND YOU AMAZE ME.

11:45 am
Going to DD's for dose of iced coffee. I honestly believe this will never be done.


Anonymous Annika said...

Happy sorting-purging-moving! I know it is horribly overwhelming. You can do it.

7:46 PM  

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