Wednesday, October 26, 2005

As for Mr. Cheney: He will be remembered as the vice president who campaigned for torture.--Washington Post, 10/26/05 A18

I love early voting

"Moonbats Frothing Over Quaker Death Parties": That is an actual, actual blog headline. On Monday it made me laugh out loud! during blogging class. But now, it makes me kind of sad, because the death party is tonight, and I don't think I am up to it. I may just...stay home and drink mulled apple cider and watch baseball and wait to see if Rove and Libby's indictments get announced.

Man I have been missing you this week, everybody.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooh, mulled apple cider. Excellent idea. i may make chili this week too. Plus, we're fostering a puppy that's going to need to get to Austin next weekend (we get the puppy this weekend, and keep him for a week). whatcha doin then? :)

luv, liz

7:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Plus, oh my god, conservatives make me nauseous.

luv, liz

8:01 AM  

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