Saturday, September 03, 2005

Edward R. Murrow

Here's a good article on the news coverage of the Katrina aftermath in Slate. And I really liked this little P.S. at the bottom:

"Get this: Rush Limbaugh called me a liberal on his show yesterday for my Wednesday column about the news broadcasters' general neglect of race and class. Said Limbaugh, 'The whole purpose of this story for Mr. Shafer and these stories on these lower level websites that hopefully they think will percolate to the mainstream press is to eventually indict the American way of life, to indict the American culture, to indict the American society as inherently unfair and racist.'"

"I guess we could root for the Texans and and the Cowboys. They're not in the same conference, so it wouldn't be a problem unless they both went to the Superbowl. [pause] An all-Texas superbowl [other pause] His will be done." --Hank, King of the Hill


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