Thursday, May 19, 2005

come meet your life

[Right now I am culling real estate broker contact information from a pile of property advertisements in order to send those brokers unsolicited business propositions, that is, spam. I am a spammer. True, it is a small-time operation. But I'm an ambitious girl.]

That is my real time report. What is really going on? Today is the last day of my internship at AFS. The things that are on my mind are Fanny and Alexander, which I am in the middle of watching, the judicial filibuster fight in Congress, and you.

I am in the process of reopening myself, in little incremental steps. Right now I just have my eyes on those steps, not in the actual feeling of change. And I can't see very far ahead of me. I am very, very awkward at life right now.


Blogger kara marie said...

*applies hugs

*offers hand to hold while you take those steps.

it's been a whirlwind of a few weeks since getting out here, but hope to catch my breath soon and get to talk to you.

let me know what when is good to catch you these days, i'd love to talk.

5:17 PM  

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