Thursday, June 09, 2005


That's right, I quit my cashiering job. At 8:59 last night I looked up into the eyes of a middle aged Latino man gently placing a couple of six packs on the counter and realized, this is my last customer. I smiled at him and was glad.

I'm going to work more hours at the evangelical Christian real estate agency, drink margaritas on the lake with Karla who is in town for the summer clerking at the Texas Civil Rights Project [no cracks on what a daunting project that is, please], and then go home for a month and figure out what the heck I am doing with my life. So much anticipation! So much suspense!

I can't believe I had one puny task to do today besides sitting here answering the phones in an empty office staring at the internet until my eyes bled, and it is 4:21, and I have not done it yet. I am an extraordinary girl.


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