Saturday, January 14, 2006

"You keep your phone on, and I'll keep mine on."

Making ends meet and maintaining loyalty

I mailed in my rent money on the 5th, which is totally late, right, I recognize that, it's due on the first, you have to pay your rent, I just had a little cashflow problem waiting for my next student loan check to clear...and dude they put an eviction notice on my door on the 6th. That is harsh. Laurel and Tom found it when they stayed here last night and were Did you pay your rent? Are you evicted? Cause this letter says you are and you were supposed to be moved out by midnight three days ago.

But here I am tucked back into my apartment, against all odds, safe and sound. I flew into Austin this afternoon. It was raining and turbulent flying out of New York, bumpy enough that none of the passengers would make eye contact with each other for a few minutes, but in Texas, blue skies. The flight attendent said Hook'em Horns! at the end of each safety announcement. My property manager was lovely, as always. She did not really mean it about evicting me. We ate barbeque for dinner.

A ver, a ver, a ver.


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