Wednesday, June 22, 2005

austin austin

I am sitting at lucky computer station #13 at the library and I wanted to let you know that #12 is a special unfiltered Internet station in its own black cubicle so no one else can see the screen from the sides, and you have to be 18 to log on to it. Which says to me, it's, like, the computer that you can use to look at porn at the library. And all the other things that get filtered out by bad-thing-and-idea blockers. That's awesome.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Il est plus honteux de se defier de sus amis, que d'en etre trompe.

I don't know what this means. French drives me crazy. It is a romance language, it should not be so hard to get the basic, ballpark gist of one little sentence. I can plug this into babelfish and still all I get is that defying your friends is in some way being compared to a horn, which I could have gotten on my own, except for the tromp part, which I would have guessed meant trick, not horn. Isn't something like tromp de'leil trick of the eye art? All those vowels! And xes! I get so thrown off.

Ah hah. Trompe l'Oei. So, we're assuming, tromp is a completely different word. I don't know. I'm tired and hungry and ready to go home. My first weekend in ten months. There are all kinds of crazy self-punishing and self-indulgent habits I have gotten myself into this year that I am going to have to break.

Thursday, June 09, 2005


That's right, I quit my cashiering job. At 8:59 last night I looked up into the eyes of a middle aged Latino man gently placing a couple of six packs on the counter and realized, this is my last customer. I smiled at him and was glad.

I'm going to work more hours at the evangelical Christian real estate agency, drink margaritas on the lake with Karla who is in town for the summer clerking at the Texas Civil Rights Project [no cracks on what a daunting project that is, please], and then go home for a month and figure out what the heck I am doing with my life. So much anticipation! So much suspense!

I can't believe I had one puny task to do today besides sitting here answering the phones in an empty office staring at the internet until my eyes bled, and it is 4:21, and I have not done it yet. I am an extraordinary girl.