Sunday, April 23, 2006

See? It's ok that I've never been skiing

If God had wanted Texans to ski....
1 - He would have given them a mountain.
2 - He would have made BS white.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


I did it today, with help from some new friends: dissolved the heat. I don't know quite what happened. Just now I sat out on the balcony and watched the thunderstorm for the time it would take me to smoke two cigarettes, if I smoked. I watered my plant, which is a year old now and completely refuses to die.

We had to move rooms in one of my classes today and so we sat in a room with windows, and I think it made me smarter. (Maybe it was the donuts?) Anyway I love staring out of windows.

shhh...I remember what I came here for

Monday, April 17, 2006

hot hot heat: an honest attempt

Rolling blackouts today. We totally broke 100 degrees in April. Our planet is dying! And all I can do about it is wear short short skirts.

I am still banging away at this block of heat, trying to break it down into molecules.

I got the grant! I am going to be able to make a movie about the PoHo reunion. Please send suggestions/commands.

Monday, April 10, 2006

today's the day

MLK statue on East Campus
11 AM: Walk-out for immigrant rights. Meet at MLK building on east campus mall

4 PM: Rally at State Capitol

Read "The Iran Plans" by Seymour Hersh

Friday, April 07, 2006

heart like whoa, llama be love

Do you watch vids? Do you, like, follow YouTube? This is an honest question: it has been brought to my attention that you might not. Well then this is a link for you.

You know how in 1997 we were all like, well, at least we know there'll never be a Titanic sequel? I present to you: Titanic Two: The Surface, coming this summer. (If you don't have a fast enough internet connection to watch the preview, we'll look it up the next time you're at my place.)

I saw Inside Man tonight and loved it. No surprise there. There are few actors in Hollywood right now who are anywhere near as good at what they do as Denzel Washington is. And Spike Lee is one of the only US directors who, throughout his career, has consistently mattered. If you give me any credit for knowing anything about movies, accept these subjective statements of mine. One thing I really like in a movie is a good beginning, and the beginning of this movie is fly.

The kids I tutor get knock-knock jokes in their homework packets, and they like to read them to me. (They usually have to have me whisper the hard words to them first, V. cute.) I now present to you Jacob's favorite joke of the week:
Knock Knock!
Who's there?
Moose who?
Moose be love!

It came on a page of moose and llama jokes, and sometimes he gets them mixed up, in which case the punchline of the joke is: Llama be love!

In honor of Jacob, here's a NYC knock knock joke from Overheard:
Teen girl #1: So I gave her her piece.
Teen girl #2: You gave her herpes?
Teen boy #1: No, she gave her her piece.
Teen girl #1: Of chocolate.
Teen girl #2: Ha, ha, ha! "Gave her herpes." Her piece.
Teen boy #1: Herpes chocolate!
Teen girl #2: Knock, knock.
Teen boy #1: Who's there?
Teen girl #2: Herpes.
Teen boy #1: Herpes who?
Teen girl #2: Her piece of chocolate!...Hey, Milton! Knock, knock!
Teen boy #2: Who's there?
Teen girl #2: Herpes!...Milton, you have to say, "herpes who?"!
Teen boy #2: No.
Teen girl #2: You suck, Milton!
Teen girl #1: No, you suck.
Old woman: That's true.

--1 train

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

April: So Far, Not a Complete Disaster

I have totally failed at about half the things I've set out to accomplish in the past four days. I figure, .500 is a really good batting average in baseball. You can call me slugger.