Monday, October 31, 2005

ghosts welcome

C'était un rendez-vous
If you ever get a chance to see "C'était un rendez-vous," see it, see it, see it, see it.

"The complacency of fools will destroy them. Proverbs."
"Get out of my house! Exodus!"
I love King of the Hill.

Every major newspaper in Texas has called for a no vote on Proposition 2. Do you know what would be sweet? If it got rejected. How proud would you be of Texas? There's one thing you really have to understand about me. I love to dream. I really really love to dream.

My bed is a valley and I am nestled in tight. My room is cold from wide open windows and this afternoon's cold front. A few nights ago I had a dream that changed the way I thought about everything.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

As for Mr. Cheney: He will be remembered as the vice president who campaigned for torture.--Washington Post, 10/26/05 A18

I love early voting

"Moonbats Frothing Over Quaker Death Parties": That is an actual, actual blog headline. On Monday it made me laugh out loud! during blogging class. But now, it makes me kind of sad, because the death party is tonight, and I don't think I am up to it. I may just...stay home and drink mulled apple cider and watch baseball and wait to see if Rove and Libby's indictments get announced.

Man I have been missing you this week, everybody.

Thursday, October 13, 2005


I put up some more pictures of and with Emily. I am really sleepy but kind of feel like staying up all night, anyway. I have been getting up really early lately. I like to go out to the bus stop at 7:30 with the light all pale so I can sit and wait with the girl who sings along to her headphones. I like to pretend she is Emily singing to me. But this morning, I slept in, and my friend went across the street to get us breakfast tacos, and we sat at my new table and ate them and talked about where we want to live when we grow up. That was nice, too.